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B A History

Sanctioned Strength - 40
Aims and Objectives
The meaning and purpose of an undergraduate history programme should be to cultivate an appreciation and understanding among students for the various historical processes that have gone into the making of societies, cultures and civilizations. It should prod students to not take ideas, institutions and practices as given, but as aspects that have evolved over a period of time across different spatial contexts, and continue to be engaged in the process of becoming. Most importantly, an undergraduate history programme should take students beyond the mundane textbook oriented history that is so prevalent in our times, which reduces history to certain disembodied facts that need to be memorized and regurgitated, and introduce them to the exciting ways in which a historian practices his/her craft using highly developed tools and skills, and produces history.

B.A Programme shall consist of 30 courses to be completed in 6 semesters. The undergraduate programme consists of 15 Core Courses, 10 Common Courses, 4 Complementary Courses,1 Open Course

Duration of Course
The duration of U.G. programmes shall be 6 semesters. There shall be two Semesters in an academic year, the ‘ODD’ semester commences in June and on completion, the ‘EVEN’ Semester commences after a semester-break of three days with two months’ vacation during April and May

Evaluation of Project
A project work is obligatory and it can be completed individually or as a group of maximum five students. However the viva-voce will be done individually. The project is to be identified in the fifth semester of the Programme with the assistance of supervising teachers. The project should be submitted in duplicate in the department in the sixth semester to be submitted before examiners appointed by the University.