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Our Feedback Mechanism at Sree Sankara Vidyapeetom College

At Sree Sankara Vidyapeetom College, we deeply value the feedback from our college community as it plays a crucial role in our pursuit of excellence in education. Our comprehensive feedback mechanism is tailored to gather insights from all members of our community - students, parents, staff, alumni, and employers.

For Current Students, Parents, and Staff:

Our advanced ERP software features an integrated feedback collection system, designed for ease of use by our current students, parents, and staff. This system allows for immediate and relevant feedback, ensuring that we are constantly aligned with the needs and aspirations of our college community. To provide your feedback, please visit our ERP Feedback Portal.

For Alumni:

The experiences and insights of our alumni are invaluable to us. We encourage our alumni to share their thoughts and feedback through a dedicated Google Form. Your perspectives on how well our curriculum prepared you for your career and other experiences at our college are incredibly important. To provide your feedback, please visit the Alumni Feedback Form.

For Employers:

Employers' feedback is essential in understanding the effectiveness of our curriculum and the readiness of our graduates for the professional world. We invite employers to share their insights and suggestions through our Employer Feedback Form. Your input helps us to continually improve and align our academic programs with industry standards. To provide your feedback, please visit the Employer Feedback Form.

Our Commitment:

At Sree Sankara Vidyapeetom College, we are committed to continuous improvement through the valuable feedback we receive. We believe in creating an environment of growth, innovation, and excellence, and your feedback is a vital part of this process. We thank you for your time and contributions in helping us shape a better future for our students and our college community.

Sample Filled in Feedback Forms

Student Teacher Alumni Employer