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The college is located in Airapuram, a remote, tranquil village about 15 kilometers from the birthplace of the great seer Adi Sankara, and this proximity lends itself to a spiritual bearing over the very concept of this institution. The 18 acres of college campus and the serene surroundings also provide a wonderful learning ambience. The Management and the College Principal, in conjunction with IQAC's directives and timely recommendations, place a strong emphasis on providing suitable teaching-learning facilities. The college provides the following facilities:

» ICT enabled classrooms
» Computing equipment and facilities
» 3 separate Computer labs with state-of-the-art facilities maintained by P.G Department of Commerce and P.G. Department of Computer Science
» The Hardware Laboratory to demonstrate and to give hands-on training for the students.
» Project Development and Research Centre.
» 4 servers
» Inorganic and Organic Chemistry laboratories, Physical Chemistry laboratory
» UG laboratory
» Language Lab
» Folklore museum
» IQAC Room
» One Mini-Conference Hall
» Open air stage
» Auditorium
» Women’s hostel
» Two main 20 KVA diesel power generators
» Network Resource Centre.
» Reprographic facility.
» Ladies’ rest room
» A central library
» College has an NLIST subscription.
» Ramp facility for differently abled students.
» Canteen
» Gymnasium
» Yoga Centre
» Health centre

Sree Sankara Vidyapeetom College have formulated and implemented a policy on Waste Management which is committed to improving its environmental performance, thereby reducing the impact of its activities on the environment.

Solid Waste

» Bio degradable solid waste such as food waste,garden trimmings are ultimately used in organic farming by the organic farming club through waste to fertilizer system in operation.
» Paper waste generated in the campus are collected and recycled by an external agency.
» College follows less paper more IT strategy to reduce carbon footprint and uses technology for information sharing and documentation.
» Office automation and green protocol followed by college have reduced the quantity of paper waste produced.

Bio Gas plant

» Bio degradable waste produced in college hostel and canteen is managed by the Bio Gas Plant » The system eliminates malodour and fly larvae reducing the chance of infectious diseases.

Liquid waste:

Underground pipe lines are used for channeling the liquid waste

E waste

» Periodic maintenance of computers and other electronic equipment » Systems with outdated OS versions are donated to schools which cater to underprivileged students. » The college seeks the help of an external agency for the safe disposal of non reusable e waste

Chemical waste management

1. Conducting microscale experiments to reduce waste generation at source. 2. Recycling of solvents by distillation and reuse of the same wherever possible to minimize disposal and waste generation. 3. Chemical wastes are segregated and treated if necessary to reduce the hazardous nature before pouring down the drain.

The institutional initiatives for greening the campus are as follows:
1. Restricted entry of automobiles 2. Use of bicycles/Battery-powered vehicles 3. Pedestrian-friendly pathways 4. Ban on use of plastic 5. Landscaping

The institutional environment and energy initiatives are confirmed through the following
1.Green audit
2. Energy audit
3.Environment audit
4.Clean and green campus recognitions/awards
5. Beyond the campus environmental promotional activities

‘Vasundhara Vamsi’: The Lineage of Mother Earth
‘Vasundhara Vamsi’ is a green initiative practiced in our campus to foster a culture of environmental stewardship for promoting sustainability, reducing environmental impact and to promote sustainable agricultural methods.

Objective of the Practice

The motto of ‘Vasundhara Vamsi’ is to rejuvenate the ecosystem of the campus for the wellbeing of the society with a far-reaching vision on future generations.

» To raise awareness about sustainability and environmental issues.
» To organize educational programs, workshops, seminars, and campaigns
» To inculcate the concept of sustainable entrepreneurship
» To popularize farming and allied activities among students